Ready to unlock your full potential? Join me and other empowered speakers as we talk about how to master our emotional intelligence. These powerful, yet fun and authentic conversations will equip you with the tools to master your emotions, connect mind, body, and spirit, and step into your power and purpose in life.




Welcome! I'm so grateful you found me because I am on a mission to change lives.

Once I understood how the mind can control our lives based on what we have experienced from our past, including events and people, I knew I needed to begin sharing by speaking and coaching on a larger level.

How so, well I became a certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner

and Master Mindset Coach. NLP focuses on a person's neurology, language,

and programming. Many people, including myself, are unaware of the impact

faced as adults through events that programmed us from our past. So if

you're ready, willing, and open minded about deep healing, let's have a

conversation to see if we are a fit.

Have you ever been to those workshops, seminars, read those self help books and still didn't take action? Ever wonder why you constantly repeat the same habits over and over again without realizing it? Tired of going in circles?

Many people are unaware of the patterns that revolve around old habits that present themselves through situations in life. Whether you're looking to level up areas of relationships, finance, love, career, or health, I have an answer for you.

I help you understand how to become "YOUR BEST SELF" by first sharing how you came to be who you are in life at this time.

I breakdown limiting beliefs and decisions that could be holding you back from living out your purpose in life. I will review how you process thoughts that lead to action.

What we will review in our coaching sessions:

1. Awareness

Awareness is key to understanding what problem or situation

continues to limit you and hold you back. Where does it stem from?

2. Understanding

Where or who the problem came from. A person, experience, or event

that occurred in your life.

3. Dissociation

To disconnect from the situation, person, or event that caused the

limiting decision or belief in the first place.

4. Reframe

Work on how to maneuver forward in your new space.


What you'll gain to take action and move forward:

1. A Plan: You need a clear plan of what you're trying to achieve.

Hoping it'll happen will not get you there. Gain vision and clarity

2. Intentional Actions: What steps are you going to take to get you there?

I will work with you to create these actions.

3. Accountability: For one month, I will follow up with

you once a week to check in and guide you to following through with

your plan and actions.

Are you ready to invest in yourself to reach

new heights?


Francine was a single mom at the age of 17. For many years, she didn’t think she was good enough to excel in her career and never knew the difficulties and patterns of self sabotage. She worked in corporate America and volunteered throughout the years as an ambassador for the Industrial Council Chamber of Commerce.

She jumped into entrepreneurship in 2016 with one paycheck and drove Lyft and Uber for 6 years so that she could chase her dreams of self employment and financial freedom. 

In 2017, depression set in and inspired her to create a women empowerment group on Facebook. This is when WEWLA (pronounced WE-LAH) (Women Empowering Women Living Authentically) was established. In 2019, she was encouraged to create a business out of WEWLA but had no idea where to start. She began hosting women empowerment summits and conferences.

Through these events, she expanded her businesses into virtual and in-person networking events and created a digital marketing platform for women to build their own online business with ease. In 2022, WEWLA INC. became a nonprofit to support women in the health and wellness space while WEWLA Connects, a for-profit membership for business professionals looking to connect, collaborate, and build community. WEWLA Connect-Her magazine was then launched in 2023 and the impact of WEWLA has grown tremendously.

She has recently become NLP certified and is a Master NLP Coach and Trainer. She coaches, speaks, and empowers women to understand the patterns of their past that are limiting them from pursuing a life or business they’ve dreamed of. Through her strong faith in God’s love and passion for people, her goal is 100,000 women impacted by 2025. Her mission is to make sure every woman is aware of their divine purpose so that they can impact even more women all over the world. 

© Copyright 2022 - All Rights Reserved, Francine Ayala Coaching